
Front page = codesaus010cvcvcv

beautifulhugo supports content on your front page. Edit /content/_index.md to change what appears here. Delete /content/_index.md if you don’t want any content here.


This is a work in progress… The todo list is here

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GoLang - Embedded Batabases

Study of GoLang Embedded Databases - primarily noSQL

You can cook the MUX right into the golang code… what if you could cook the DB document or Key value store into the executable as well. benefits… you could run the entire application from a single Docker container running on DigitalOcean for $5/month.

Flutter-Getting-Started... On AWS

Flutter examples seem to revolve around using FireBase. I am an AWS Arch and felt a need to demonstrate AWS backend solutions. But will also demonstrate connecting to GoLang Docker containers. Study of Flutter, connecting to AWS

Big Image Sample

Using Multiple Images

The image banners at the top of the page are refered to as “bigimg” in this theme. They are optional, and one more more can be specified. If more than one is specified, the images rotate every 10 seconds. In the front matter, bigimgs are specified using an array of hashes.

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